Yogic Breathing Technique

Pranayama;Learn to relax your lungs;through controlled breathing,which not only saves the energy for your brain to work actively & to be more focused & calm but also whole circulatory system is massaged for efficient functioning. As body gets same amount of oxygen as in natural breathing for given period of time but with more relaxed lungs...hence having more life cycle. For example; Dog breathes very rapidly has an average life of 12-15yrs. While tortoise which hardly breathes 1-2 times in a minute has an average life of 250-300yrs. It's been researched that no physical exercise can even have one hundredth of the efficacy of Pranayama. Simple breathing technique: *Sit in comfortable posture,Use right hand to practise and first two fingers folded or at eyebrow center. *Close your right norstel from your thumb. *Breathe in slowly from your left norstel *Close your left norstel from ring finger. *Hold your breathing in as per your comfort. *Open right norstel and breathe out completely in control. *Then breath in from right norstel close both-hold-open left and breath out slowly and repeat. Slowly you can work on ratio 1:4:2.(In:hold:out) For Advance practice; Do kapalbhati(passive inhale active exhale)20-40 times,watch the pause in your breath out then inhale from right - hold as long you feel comfortable then exhale from left and repeat from kapalbhati. Keep practising! Write to me for more information.